Auto-translations of UI5/Fiori Apps
Auto-translations of UI5/Fiori Apps
Leverage NLP to auto translate i18n files in any desired language
As a Frontend developer, we often have to translate the i18n files to more than 1 language(sometimes). And there are a lot of properties, generally, used in 1 single file. Won’t it be a good idea if we could just automate this? Though SAP provides a translation hub which can help but that still is a lot of work. Let’s look at briefly what the idea is. Also, source can be found here.
NLP Python Library & NodeJS
I have used a pre-delivered library, since it provides most of the languages and has a good trained model. Google-trans-new - This provides over 30+ language translations and works pretty well.
How it works?
Python script checks the i18n file and access all the key fields and translates into desired language and generate a new file if it not already exists. Take a look at the file
Sample working of the translator.
from google_trans_new import google_translator
translator = google_translator()
translate_text = translator.translate('Main',lang_tgt='hi')
-> मुख्य
In manifest.json, I have added a key “targetLanguages” which is then collected by
Either you can run the command to execute python file. or you can provide it in NPM command. For example, in package.json:
"scripts": {
"deploy": "ui5 build preload --clean-dest --config ui5-deploy.yaml --include-task=generateManifestBundle generateCachebusterInfo && rimraf",
"translate": "python"
With earlier UI5 tooling versions, encoding was mandated to ISO-8859-1 which is what SAP uses internally to encode or decode. However, with new UI5 tooling version (>1.74) this is resolved. You can specify, encoding preference. More Details
Running command - NPM run translate
appDescription=App Description
step1=Select Action
step2=Select Action
Hindi Translation(
appDescription=ऐप विवरण
step1=कार्रवाई चुनें
step2=कार्रवाई चुनें
Russian Translation(
appDescription=Описание приложения
step1=Выберите действие
step2=Выберите действие
Now it has become a lot easier to translate, I just need to run only 1 command and best part is code is reusable, and I can use it for not just UI5/Fiori but to any frontend apps, like Angular, React, even Python itself.
PS: I have used VSCode for this, however, it is also possible in Business Application Studio
Checkout this link to get started on installing python to BAS.